Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'll Be Home For Christmas

I'm here! Home, for Christmas.

It's only a short two weeks, but I wouldn't trade this time with my family and friends for anything! It's been amazing to come home and talk with people about their adventures this year and talk about a little bit of my own. Here are a few rare pictures that were taken since I've come home.

One thing I never thought I would be more excited to see. . .

SNOW! It's slowly melting, but hopefully more will come soon. Since I only have 2 weeks to deal with it. . .bring it on!
My welcoming commitee at the airport. My family is fantastic! They brought me a flower, and a jacket to welcome the cold, thank goodness!

I have missed my sister an IMENSE amount. We love each other, and the camera, thus. . .goofy pictures in the snow.

Christmas is right around the corner and I can not wait. I love my family, I love this time of year.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Reason Why

I have no special skill really.

I'm not trained as a doctor, or a physio, or a masseuse, or a dentist, or an optician, or a speech therapist, or a behavioural therapist.

I'm a student in transition with nothing other than a high school diploma and an empty wallet. I often wonder, why did I think I should come here? What can I help with? Where is there a need that I could possibly assist in filling?

Well this is why.

Smiles. They're everywhere. And the smallest bit of attention, the tiny amount of time it takes to make one of these children smile, makes every dollar, every hour of work, every emotion and sacrifice, worth it. Not just for me either, worth it for them.

A smile and a laugh is not overated. Maybe it can't make a child walk, or speak, or understand the world they live in.

But it's joy, and that I believe is worth my skill-less journey.

100% worth it

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. . .Thank Goodness!

There are so many things that have happened that I haven't blogged about. Due to this problem, I have decided to copy my Kanchanaburi post, and do a photo journal (with commentary) of highlights from the past month.

This past month has been a crazy one for work. Every week I can expect to be carted away on an outing with the Rainbow house kids. It's always a surprise as it's often easier for the Thai staff just to tell us we're going out, rather than trying to explain where. A few weeks ago was one of those outings. The staff told us to pile in the Rainbow van and sit the kids on our laps. We had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. We ended up in a huge theatre, for a live performance of a popular television show, BEN 10!!!

Cool eh? It was actually a really impressive show. There were amazing costumes, and sound effects, and light effects, and music! However, all of the actors were obviously foreign, and could not speak Thai. So the whole performance was pre-recorded and mouthed. Which proved to be a bit humorous as the actors did not lip synch very well. The kids loved it though, and sat in silence the whole time! Now that's really impressive.

Pet Suri with his ticket and pink headband.

The kids getting some complimentary balloons.

Ben 10! Saving the world from aliens!

Check out that costume. That alien was 8 feet tall at least!

Another trip was over the weekend and was to an international school for their school fair. There were lots of carnival games and prizes, and free food for the kids!

Tee in a row boat.

Pet painting a canvas bag.

Group of us getting ready to head out

This past week was Thai Fathers day. So Lynn, Emma and I were assigned to haul out the paper and glue and sit the kids down to make some cards. At first I thought it was a cruel idea. Fathers day cards? These kids are orphans, why would they make Fathers day cards. But in the end it turned out to be a really excellent thing. The kids presented the cards to the male staff at Rainbow House on Fathers day as a thank you for their love.

Lynn and Anna gluing and pasting.

Crafting away!

Kim and I!

Au painting on his glue

Okay, on to the non-work photo bit. This month has been filled with crazy weekends of shopping and birthdays and going away meals and festivals.

For Holly's birthday (a fellow volunteer) we walked down our street for an ice cream cake and a film. The cake was amazing! It was an ice cream cake 1000 times better than any DQ cake I've ever had, which is definitely saying something. The film was New Moon, not my favourite, but Holly was really excited about it making the experience a blast. We pretty much had the theatre to ourselves as it was in English, and we saw it the day before it came out in Nova Scotia! Jealous?

Oh Holly. . .oreos and ice cream are her perfect combo

Photo with the Swensens staff. They are getting to know us quite well. . .

That's right! The theatre all to ourselves!

Another ice cream outing involved us wheeling some kids from the government orphanages to Swensens right after work.

Loving the ice cream!

Messy Look-Dow

A BIG highlight of my month was American Thanksgiving which was generously hosted by a lovely Canadian lady, Wendy, from Nichada.

Some of my Sirin House girls. From left to right, Emma, Julia, Me, Lynn, Holly

Milling around, socializing

The Desserts, yummy

Playing Go-Fish with some American kids.

Settling down with full stomachs for a fun movie, "Up"!

And this past month has been my month for Christmas shopping. I tested out my bargaining skills in the massive JatuJak market, Khao San Road, and Ko Kret island.

Ko Kret island

Part of JatuJak market

The busy Khao San

Favourite finds of the night!

And this weekend, Linda leaves.

Linda has been here for three months and has shared so much of her knowledge of massage with everyone. It's a bit bizarre for me as I was here when she arrived, and now she's leaving. I will miss her and am not looking forward to saying good-bye!

And a week from Monday I will be home for Christmas! It's crazy how fast these past three months have gone by, I can hardly believe it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

In Thailand right now, it's December 3. There are 22 days left until Christmas.

I associate a lot of things with Christmas. Things like snow, apple cider, caroling, sugar cookies, turkey, Christmas at the Movies cd, nativity scenes, advent calendar etc. have all been a part of my past Christmas's and without them, I was finding it difficult to get into the spirit of it all.

However, December 1st, Emma and I carted home a piece of Christmas festivity that is an essential during the countdown to December 25.


Bridget mentioned that maybe there was a tree that we would be able to take back to Sirin, and Emma and I jumped on the opportunity. We snatched up this treasure in the Rainbow House driveway and made the trek home to our awaiting volunteer family.

Adjusting the branches to make it look fuller

Too excited for words, but not for pictures

Making our way home

Our tree, waiting at the side of the road for a taxi. There's something odd about a Christmas tree in 34 degrees. . .

Stuffing the tree in the taxi.

When we arrived at Sirin, we pulled out the decorations and put on the Christmas tunes!

Our Christmas tree aglow

It's coming and I can't wait! My parents generously offered me a trip home to spend Christmas with the family, so that's exactly what I'm going to do! My plane leaves December 14, and since I'm travelling back in time, arrives on the same day that evening.

Oh the excitement!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. . . .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Puppet Craze

This week I was given the responsibility to come up with a puppet session for the kids at Rainbow House! It was a lot of fun. Emma and I had them make their own puppets, sock puppets, watch a show that we put on, and then use these little finger puppets to perform their own show for us to all watch.

Aoy, abusing the craft!

Joi is probably the happiest child I know, and probably the cutest.

Krit painting his sock

Ploy and Look-Dow laughing

Emma with Tee and Samon, painting!

Performing for the staff! They were pretty skilled.

Ploy and I

The day wouldn't be complete without a little music and dancing!

Lily and Aoy. Best friends.

Mayom and Tee with their fingers puppets

All in all it was a really great day. It was pretty crazy at times, but when you're with a group of kids who have autism, downs syndrome, delayed development etc. it's expected, and still loads of fun.

Black light next week, woohoo.