Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

In Thailand right now, it's December 3. There are 22 days left until Christmas.

I associate a lot of things with Christmas. Things like snow, apple cider, caroling, sugar cookies, turkey, Christmas at the Movies cd, nativity scenes, advent calendar etc. have all been a part of my past Christmas's and without them, I was finding it difficult to get into the spirit of it all.

However, December 1st, Emma and I carted home a piece of Christmas festivity that is an essential during the countdown to December 25.


Bridget mentioned that maybe there was a tree that we would be able to take back to Sirin, and Emma and I jumped on the opportunity. We snatched up this treasure in the Rainbow House driveway and made the trek home to our awaiting volunteer family.

Adjusting the branches to make it look fuller

Too excited for words, but not for pictures

Making our way home

Our tree, waiting at the side of the road for a taxi. There's something odd about a Christmas tree in 34 degrees. . .

Stuffing the tree in the taxi.

When we arrived at Sirin, we pulled out the decorations and put on the Christmas tunes!

Our Christmas tree aglow

It's coming and I can't wait! My parents generously offered me a trip home to spend Christmas with the family, so that's exactly what I'm going to do! My plane leaves December 14, and since I'm travelling back in time, arrives on the same day that evening.

Oh the excitement!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. . . .

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean we don't have to wait to put up the tree? You've already decorated once! Or should we wait? That's the discussion in the Churchill household. Let us know.

    Love ya,
