Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Protesting in Pakkred

I feel like maybe I should post about the situation in Thailand right now and how it affects me.

There's violence in Bangkok, you can read about it in any news source. Red shirts=protests=army shooting=certain areas unsafe.

The area I am in is about 30-40 minutes outside of Bangkok and during this whole time period we have been fairly unaffected by the protesting. It's just meant safety precautions when travelling into the city. However today we were told to stay in the Pakkred area and not to leave as the army has come to join us here on our main road. Recent news has suggested that the Red Shirts are branching out to the rural parts of the Bangkok region, which is unfortunately where we are located.

I have an incredible peace about this whole thing and totally trust that it's all in God's hands.

Please continue to pray though, that this whole thing will end soon, and end peacefully!


  1. Keep safe sweetheart. Don't forget your ticket is open ended :)

    Love Dad

  2. I will certainly keep you in my prayers Emily. Remember all the promises of Psalm 91. David wrote that Psalm while surrounded by the armies of Saul.

    Be blessed!
    Cindy Grantham

  3. You and the situation are in our prayers Emily! Be safe! The Warners
