Friday, March 26, 2010

Loving Every Moment

I realize I haven't updated my blog since the 13th of March, and unfortunately, this post is going to be lacking major details of recent activity, but the time I have been having with my sister has been so filled up with things to do that I haven't been able to sit down and write a good meaty post.

Hopefully Saturday will bring the time to write and post pictures.

Kaylin and I are headed to waterfalls and elephants today after working a crazy and busy week. Three puppet shows, two outings with kids, a play with all of Rainbow House, a sports day and lots of markets later, I think both of us would say this has been the most tiring, but most rewarding and fun weeks we've ever had!

Thanks for prayers for Kaylin's safety travelling. She was amazing and had no problems getting here. I wouldn't trade this experience that we have been able to share for anything in the world. It's something we'll have for the rest of our lives.

Kaylin at the government orphanage Fung Fah, giggling with this precious little boy!
Sports Day at Rainbow House; representing the blue team!

I just spent a good ten minutes searching for photos of us together, turns out, we have. . .very very few. It's a good thing to focus on this weekend! 

I love my sister and think this opportunity has been incredible.

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